Custom Park Prescription Pads

Why Develop A Park Prescription Program? Everyone is healthier, happier, and smarter when we spend time outside. Nature is a pillar of health and doctors across the world are prescribing nature to their patients. Studies like this show the effectiveness of written prescriptions for lifestyle changes, including spending time in nature. You can help launch a nature prescription program for your park, health clinic, or community following these recommendations.

How to Start a Park Prescription Program: Customized park prescription pads are a critical link in the park prescription process - it bridges the gap between a doctor’s recommendation and specific actions the patient can take. Customized park prescription pads include the names of the doctor, health facility, images of your choice, and QR codes to help patients find nearby nature. These are designed “patient-first,” design choices first prioritize the patient’s experience, and secondly any promotional goals of a park system.

Designing Your Park Prescription Pads: When you request your park prescription pad below, we’ll send you a first-draft. We’ll work with your team to perfect the notes, images, resource and your branding - all with no design fees. Let’s put custom park prescription pads in your hands in less than a month.

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Next Steps: Submit the form below and we’ll send you a first draft - no cost, no commitment.